Friday, August 7, 2015

Ngorogoro Crater

This place is beautiful. We saw lots of animals. We can only go into the crater during the day as they close the park at night. This place was a long time ago a big volcanoe which collapsed onto itself and created this crater. There are lots of special animals here. We saw lots of lions and babies, warthogs, hyenas, Buffaloes, lots of gazelles, a black rhino and some very big elephants. We also saw some hippos. They even rolled onto their back for us. We even saw hyenas hunt a warthog but I don't know if it died. And today we saw a lioness stalking warthogs by the water. The warthogs got away.

Lion sleeping

Lions hanging out

A group of hippos

A baby lion. This was great. They played and cuddled up together. 

It's been cold. I'm happy I brought leggings and my big sweater.

A mommy hyena with her baby.


  1. Great pictures, young lady. Keep them coming!

  2. Loved the photo of Flat Stanley Ewan. So glad he made the adventure with you. Your stories are great. Next best thing to being there too.

  3. Kaia, I'm really enjoying your blog! The photos are amazing and your posts are so well written and interesting. You are a natural photojournalist! This is an amazing trip! And you get to hang out with Debbie Sue :)) Lucky you. Keep blogging!
