Friday, August 7, 2015

Masai Village

We stayed at a great eco friendly camp called Isoitok. Masai word for many rocks. There were lots of rocks. We went to visit a Masai village and went on a medicine walk with with Ruben. The Masai village is called a boma. The head lives there with his many wives. The houses are made of cow poo and termite mount. Everything is in a circle as bad spirits can stay in corners. At night they close the boma with thorned branches to keep the wild animals away from the people and the cattle. I was very sad when I saw the house and the clothes of the children. They were also covered in flies. Ruben explained the Masai traditions. Very different to ours.

This is us during the medicine walk with Ruben. This was great. He showed us lots of trees and told us which tree helped for stomach ache, which tree helped against malaria. There was also a tree for making you lose weight. Ruben also made us a toothbrush.

This is inside the boma. The family village. The wives have each a hut. The animals are in the middle in an enclosure. The boma is also surrounded by a fence of branches and thorns. They close this at night to protect everyone from the predators.

This is one of the wives and her baby. She is beautiful.


  1. Houses of poo??!! My house smells bad about with 3 small kids without adding poo to the equation!! Excellent skill to know - naturally medicine from your local environment. We should see if we can learn the same in Hong Kong!

  2. Love the toothbrush and the photo of Flat Stanley Ewan! So glad he made it on your adventure. Thanks for bringing him along. We love reading your posts. Keep them coming!
