Sunday, December 18, 2016

The flight to Laos 😄

It was a one hour flight from Hong Kong to Hanoi and we had to wait 4 hours in the airport and took the flight at 18:50 to go to L.P aka Luang Prabang .This is Zoe on the plane aka Max (from the movie the Grinch that stole Christmas) and here is the rest of the family aside Mum because she was taking the picture.Thanks all for reading.🍍😊


  1. What a great adventure you've begun!

  2. This is great real life travel journalism..keep it up! You should tweet as well at travel magazines. Now that you are a travel writer maybe you will become a diplomat 1 day. Thanks for keeping me entertained on a quiet day in my office in Ottawa. @oshmike

  3. Four hours is a long time to wait in the airport and get excited about what lies ahead! I look forward to the next instalment

  4. This is awesome! Samuel, Yasmin and Matthew all loved LP. You could try renting bikes and riding round the place. No maps allowed! Great fun and you can always stop off for an ice cream while daddy has a beer Lao..... keep the posts coming. We'll be following it all! Chris

  5. Fantastic! I remember having to wait for 4 hours in Hanoi airport too! We ended up sitting down one end of it, watching the planes and reading a book. I'm looking forward to the next post :)

  6. Fantastic! I remember having to wait for 4 hours in Hanoi airport too! We ended up sitting down one end of it, watching the planes and reading a book. I'm looking forward to the next post :)

  7. Laos is one of my favorite countries. I hope you like it as much as me. I'm looking forward to reading about your experiences.

  8. So excited to hear about your latest adventure!!

  9. Dear Kaia
    It was very interesting to read about the beginning of your travels- I can't wait to read the next installment.

  10. I can't wait for the next installment! Keep writing little cheetah!
