Saturday, December 31, 2016

The sad day. 😪

Today we are going to leave LP and go to Hanoi. We leave at 17:10. So in the morning we went to a war museum. It was horrible because I hate wars. This was was secret. Millions of bombs were dropped onto Laos. These bombs still kill today.
The child in the pic was injured by a cluster bomb. He was lucky it did not kill him. His friend was not so lucky as he picked it up thinking it was a ball.
Here are the cluster bombs. 

It's really sad and horrible. 


  1. Although it's sad and horrible, it's important for everyone to see this stuff so that we do our best to prevent future wars.

  2. Jenny said it well. It is important that we know about this and do not repeat it, and that you also learn about this sort of thing. Very sad, but it is reality for many people, especially in Laos.
